The second contention of this argument is that the number of people that live in predominately African American communities, are living on or under the poverty line which is a major reason why these communities are not progressing. According to the African American Demographics the annual median income for African American families is in America in 2009 was 32,584, this is extremely low. In order to better these communities these people need to have higher incomes and/or better government assistance. The number of African Americans that live on or under the poverty level is outrageous. According to the National Poverty Center in 2009 a single parent with one child was declared to be on the poverty line if he/she was bringing in 14,787 dollars. The Hudson Valley Press Online states "that in 2009 the poverty rate for African Americans reached 25.8 percent, almost twice as high as general population.” This is evidence that African Americans are struggling to survive in this economy and help is needed.
( The above photo is a picture a woman and her ten children who share two beds.)
Rebuttal: Some opposing viewers may say that this is not a Nationwide problem, it is a problem in just in the African American Community. Another opposing view is that we need poor people in Amerrica, everyone can not be rich or else we wont have people to work basic minimum wage paying jobs.
Refutation: Although the focus of this website is geared toward the African American Community, the claim and mission statement is relevant to all Americans. In order to make a better nation, all Americans need to assist their fellow neighbor when able. In regards to the argument that America needs poor people to maintain business, this is not necessarily true. Minimum wage paying jobs can be second jobs for some adults, teenagers, college-students, and elderly retired people all can work these jobs as well. If we fix the education systems more youth in African American communities can get an education and work other places besides minimum wage paying establishments.